The success story of own brands
Since 2010, Schuss has been increasingly investing in the development of its own brands and in their EU-wide distribution:
The entry was made with the SHE brand (Schuss Home Electronic); with innovative MP3 players, it was able to conquer second place after Apple's iPod on the Austrian consumer electronics market.
Soon after, the next step was taken into the fast-growing field of indoor climate technology: SHE fans, air conditioners and split air conditioners were sold in considerable quantities via markets and specialist dealers - also throughout the EU.
New brands such as BE COOL and SHX have stood for further high-quality product lines since 2018 and are now also successfully represented in the white goods specialist trade.
Recently, we also entered the e-mobility market: Our range of BE COOL scooters and balance boards quickly built up strong positions and is now one of the most attractive revenue generators in Austrian sports retail.